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Cours arts créatifs Cagnes sur mer

/ The workshop /

Framing in the rules of art

All our framing work is carried out by a framer craftsman.

From the simplest to the most sophisticated , Atelier Cimaise, in Cagnes sur mer, Alpes Maritimes, offers tailor-made supervision as well as additional services to framing work.


The tailor-made frames perfectly reveals the emotions. Each frame is unique and fits its subject. We use all our expertise to meet your desires and make your frame work, an authentic piece.

Équipements de peinture

Actualité rentrée 2024

Vous proposent un programme sous le signe de la souplesse, de la variété et de la diversité des techniques !
Isabelle, artiste multipotentiels et Daniel, professionnel de l’encadrement vous accompagnent pour libérer votre expression créative ...

/ Glass /

Several choices of glass are available to you to create a tailor-made frame:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Normal glass has a light reflectance percentage of around 8%.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • The invisible glass has exceptional anti-reflective and anti-UV qualities allowing better protection of the image. Its percentage of light reflectance is just 1%.

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/ The moulding /

Atelier Cimaise offers a wide selection of more than 1,200 different moulding for the realization of a tailor-made frame. Depending on the desired spirit, each subject finds its setting, simple or upscale, according to your tastes and desires, suitable for all budgets.

You will find all styles: modern, classic, natural, lacquered, patinated ... Enough to combine your frame perfectly with your decoration.

/ The Passe-Partout /

The matting is the element that makes all the difference.


Not only does it protect your subject but it also helps to highlight it.

Different models of mat are available, from simple to sophisticated. All shapes can be made in our workshop (squares, rectangles, rounds, ovals).

We make your best ideas come true.

Palette de peintres

/ Disaster? A restoration /

Are your frames damaged after a disaster, a fire, floods ?

We take care of their restoration.

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